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10 Content Marketing Examples and Ideas That Are Perfect for Moving Companies

Are you looking to create content marketing strategies for your moving business? Maybe you feel a little overwhelmed about finding creative ways to draw attention and attract new business.

Fear no more! You have come to the right place. We have put together an article detailing 10 content marketing examples you can use for your business.

First, let’s look at what content marketing strategies are about.

What is Content Marketing?

Companies use content marketing strategies in order to attract the attention of potential new customers and then retain them long enough to gain their business.

These strategies are not simply producing content but creatively weaving content in a way to make it interesting.

Here is a list of steps you want to follow before you start implementing content marketing in your moving business:

  • Designate someone to be in charge of your content marketing
  • Define the mission or purpose of your marketing
  • Publish daily or at least very regularly
  • Publish content that is popular with modern culture to gain audience attention
  • Choose between using a branded or unbranded content hub
  • Optimize subscriber building
  • Implement Content Marketing ROI to determine your engagement and reachability

Once you have looked at these steps, you can look at several content marketing examples of techniques to use for your moving company.

Content Marketing Examples

When implementing content marketing techniques for your business there are many ways to creatively draw attention. Let’s look at 10 examples of content marketing techniques you can use.

1. Blogging

Blogging is a great starting point for content marketing. It allows you to draw attention to your social media presence and attract followers. Here are a few blogs of companies that are successful:

  • Buffer
  • Hubspot
  • Rip Curl

Write an article about several things that stand out about your moving company and title it something like “5 Reasons Our Moving Company is Unique.”

2. SEO through Social Media

Social media platforms are incredibly important when marketing for your business. Followers and visitors who share your content generate more traffic for you by indirectly helping your SEO search rankings.

An example of this technique is Lush cosmetics. Lush encourages social media users to post pictures or videos of their products with hashtags for Lush cosmetics which puts their products in front of many more potential customers.

By implementing SEO tactics on their social media platforms, they have generated over 4 million followers!

3. Video Content

Consider driving awareness for your brand through video ads. YouTube is the ideal platform for video ads and a great example of a company that used this strategy is Hootsuite.

They took the popular show “Game of Thrones” and grabbed the attention of viewers to weave this topic into their brand. They titled their video “A Game of Social Thrones” and then proceeded to tell a relatable story.

4. Images

Images with the fewest words possible tend to be the most powerful. Instagram is a great platform example for using images to generate business.

A perfect example of a company that uses top-notch photography techniques when marketing their products is Rolex. This iconic watch brand relays the timelessness of their timepieces through pictures that emanate quality.

5. Pithy Slogans

You want to designate a creative person or hire someone specifically to come up with a creative saying consumers can associate with your brand. A great place to find someone for the job is

Here is a list of several companies with incredibly successful slogans:

  • Nike: “Just Do it!”
  • KFC: “It’s finger-lickin’ good”
  • Dunkin’ Doughnuts: “America runs on Dunkin’”
  • Coca-Cola: “Open Happiness”
  • McDonalds: “I’m lovin’ it”

If you can hire someone to come up with a witty saying that encapsulates your business the way creative writers wrote ones for these successful business examples, then they are worth their weight in gold!

6. Create an App

Charmin has a great reputation of incorporating humor into their ads but that’s not all they have done to build their success.

Another one of their successful marketing strategies is their development of the “Sit or Squat” app. This app allows people to find the nearest and cleanest public bathrooms to their location.

So far, their app has boasted over 100,000 downloads!

7. Resources and Ebooks

Simply Business is an insurance firm located in the UK. Sounds boring right? Wrong. They actually produce ebook guides and resource tips for other small businesses from event planning to local moving companies.

One example they’ve written is “The small business guide to Facebook.” They have generated thousands of shares and likes from their customer audience, boosting their company visibility and driving traffic to their site.

8. Personalization

It’s basically guaranteed you have heard of Coke’s “Share a Coke” campaign unless you have been living under a rock. Coke targeted consumers with a personalization tactic.

The reason this campaign was so successful was that its products incorporated 150 of the most popular names on the packaging. The emotional connection between buyers and the coke products are what made the bottles fly off the shelves.

9. Infographics

People generally are in love with reliable data displayed in a simple manner. These data report images are shared by social media users all the time.

Shutterstock is an example of a company that uses infographics. Since their business consists of images, they have created a resource that anyone can use called a creative trends report.

10. Relatable Humor

Does anyone else watch the Superbowl just for the Geico Car Insurance commercials? Geico is the perfect example of a company that could be considered a boring service but uses humor to make its company anything but boring.

Not only do they incorporate humor in their commercials, but they employ slant humor between their name and their mascot. In some dialects “Geico” can be the pronunciation of the word “gecko” and by associating their mascot of a lizard with their name, they achieve the goal of capturing your memory.

Now that you’ve read about many examples you can implement in your content marketing plan, you are ready to start your content marketing strategy.

Standing Out in the Crowd

At the end of the day, you want to choose content marketing examples for your moving business that appeal to people through emotion (telling powerful stories), personalization when possible (like Share A Coke), and honesty (gaining consumer trust).

Thanks for reading and be sure to check out the rest of our blog for other business tips and strategies!



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