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Showing posts from May, 2020

Why a Digital Presence Isn't Enough

An embarrassing story from my early marketing time: When I started out in the content marketing business, I had... well, I'd bought into the hype. I'd learned that businesses are desperate for good marketers (which is true) and content marketers can make great livings in their spare time. Also true. So I built my website, optimised it for search engines and patted myself on the back. Then I wrote a few articles showing off my knowledge and skills. And... that was about it. I was on Twitter and Facebook a little, but not much. But even if I'd grinded social media, it wouldn't have changed much. That's a common timesink for entrepreneurs, both established and aspiring. Either way, I wasn't thinking about it too deeply. The hype was seductive enough that I thought I'd plonk myself on the internet and people would find me. I know I'm not alone with that. Many entrepreneurs do the same thing. But as we all learn quickly enough, a digital presence isn't en

5 Digital Marketing Skills to Master for 2020 & Beyond


Highly Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

Would you like to learn some highly effective digital marketing strategies? But first of all, what is "digital marketing"? Some people believe it's a different form of internet marketing, but in truth, it's actually the same thing. These days people come up with all different kinds of terms to re-describe the same thing. Digital marketing is the same thing - people are just trying to profit off of a different wording of the same topic. I'm sure you've probably also heard the terms: "inbound marketing", "influencer marketing", "outbound marketing", and etc. But all of those are the same concepts of internet marketing strategies that have been already tested and proven to work. These people are just now figuring this stuff out. So digital marketing is just internet marketing. And also, some people get it confused with eBook marketing. If you've ever heard of someone say "digital download", that means that a product wil

How to Get Your Business the Most Attention Possible in 2020 | Game Changers Summit Keynote 2019


What Every Business Owner Must Know About Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing / Internet Marketing / Online Marketing are one of the most used terms of the industry today. However, it is sadly just a bunch of jargon for most of the people who hear it and use it to convey their mind. What exactly is digital marketing and what part of it is essential for today's business person? We're here to break it down for you in the simplest words possible. Online Marketing is simply marketing of your product or service onto digital platforms so as to hold onto your loyal consumers as well as increase your reach to new potential target audience swiftly. That is it. That is what Online marketing is. There are some further questions that need attention to solve your confusion; such as: Is digital marketing the same as social media marketing? The answer is yes. Digital / Internet marketing is a wider concept as compared to social media marketing in the sense that, all social media platforms are available digitally i.e. via the internet. However, there a

How To Get 10k Followers On Instagram Per Week


When You Should Change Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing is continually evolving and this may seem unsettling at times. Strategies that were working in past, might not be effective in the present. Do you know why many businesses fail to get ahead of their competitors? It's simply because they are not willing to adapt to the ever-changing world of digital media. But, the great thing about a digital marketing strategy is that you can change them on the fly in response to real-time results and analytics data. While this may seem tricky as if you change things too quickly, you may not be able to find if your strategy worked for long-term. But if you wait for a long time, you are likely to waste your two valuable resources: time and money. With that said, how do you know when its the right time to change your Digital Marketing strategy? To help you keep up with the fast-paced industry, I've created this post to help you know when to change your digital marketing strategy. Below are the 5 signs to help you decide when to

How to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) 2020 - Digital Marketing Tutorial for Beginners


What Is Digital Marketing and How to Use It

You will have to devote lots of time marketing yourself and earning referrals. Content marketing thus will be more prone towards user-generated, instead of professional, content within the next calendar year. The secret to content marketing is that the content has to be interesting to your audience and will supply value to them. There are a number of reasons to put money into influencer advertising. It is a way to get past the need to use ads to reach your audience. Though email promotion is highly effective, not all startups can harness the real power of email marketing. Digital marketing isn't rocket science. It has no boundaries. Since you may see, digital promotion is a big and complicated topic. Digital Marketing is a huge subject and you cannot turn into a hero in 30 hours! It is a type of marketing technique where the marketing activity is carried out with the help of channels and platforms available on the internet. It uses the internet as a main promotional medium, in addi

Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work


Mastering Mindsets for Maximum Learning

When people think about the factors that influence student achievement, a lot of things come to mind. These include a student's socio-economic status, the education level of the student's parents, the student's motivation, his or her attitude toward school, and of course, the student's cognitive abilities. One factor that has recently become a matter of intense research and is beginning to become a major focus of educators across the world is popularly called "mindset" and was first popularized by the publication of the book  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success  (2006) by the major researcher in the field, renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck. Dweck's research has shown that your students' mindsets are one of the most important factors impacting their achievement. As such, this is one factor that master teachers don't leave to chance. First of all, for those of you who aren't very familiar with the mindsets research conducte

Learn Digital Marketing in Just 5 Minutes a Day


Revolution of Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing? Today nearly 80% of all the media that we consume come through digital channels. Massive internet usage and digital media has given rise to a new marketing concept called Digital Marketing. It is a broad area and considered to be the future of business development. Digital Marketing is the most commonly used term for online marketing and it has several advantages over traditional offline marketing. With the help internet and mobile devices customer these days have access to information from anywhere in the world. Marketers these days use digital tactics to attract and convert audiences online. This new age marketing methods helps to gain good reputation which is essential for a business to survive. It is the best way to reach out to your targeted audience. With the help of digital marketing one can reach many customers at a very little marketing budget. Unlike traditional methods you can measure the success of digital marketing campaigns with the help of anal

After This You'll Change How You Do Everything! - Tony Robbins


Make $100 Per Day On YouTube Without Making Any Videos | Make Money Online

10 Content Marketing Examples and Ideas That Are Perfect for Moving Companies

Are you looking to create content marketing strategies for your moving business? Maybe you feel a little overwhelmed about finding creative ways to draw attention and attract new business. Fear no more! You have come to the right place. We have put together an article detailing 10 content marketing examples you can use for your business. First, let’s look at what content marketing strategies are about. What is Content Marketing? Companies use content marketing strategies in order to attract the attention of potential new customers and then retain them long enough to gain their business. These strategies are not simply producing content but creatively weaving content in a way to make it interesting. Here is a list of steps you want to follow before you start implementing content marketing in your moving business: Designate someone to be in charge of your content marketing Define the mission or purpose of your marketing Publish daily or at least very regularly Publish content that is pop