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Showing posts from August, 2020

Do You Have What It Takes To Become An Successful Entrepreneur?

  These questions can help you can narrow down your choices and finally find your place in an entrepreneur world. What are your interests? While you don't need to be an expert in the business you choose to start, it will help you get ahead of the game if you have some interest in it already. If you have a passion for it, all the better for you. What's more, if you are actually an audience member for your business idea, then that's even better because you will already have a lot of the information you need to get started. How much starting capital do you have? Don't panic if you have nothing to get started, but it's good to be accurate and know what you have. Figure out if there are things you can sell quickly to gather some money to get started. This is not the time for pie-in-the-sky thinking - this is a time to be realistic. What skills do you have? Often starting with your target audience is the best way to choose a business. If you can narrow down your skill lev

How to Excel at Engagement-Based Email Marketing

8 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns I'm sure you've signed up for digital newsletters in the past. Thinking back, do you remember what made you engage with a company's eNewsletter? Chances are, it was one of these three reasons: 1. To get info on sales and discounts. 2. To be entertained. 3. To learn something valuable. Engagement-based email marketing relates to how your subscribers interact with your eNewsletter. Once they've opened it up, you still need to wow them with your content. So this week, I'm sharing 8 ways to improve email engagement, from subject lines to segmentation. 1. Grab them with a great subject line. As someone scans their inbox, they're likely to see a number of promotional subject lines. You don't have much time or space to convince them to open yours. You want to pique someone's curiosity by offering them a short and sweet description of what they can expect. "Short and sweet" is key here, especially becaus

Best 10 Small Business Ideas Of 2020

  Do you feel bored with your regular nine to five job and looking for starting a business? Are you looking for starting an extra earning source? Or, do you want to start a small business in full swing eyeing to make it your career? The idea of starting a business can be exciting and all it requires is time, effort, money, and a fresh idea. We can definitely help you with the 'idea' part. Let's get started with  10 small business ideas of 2020  that can get you started. Cooking/Baking:  This doesn't need a huge capital. If you already have the skills, you are good to go. Make a slow start. If necessary, work from home. Select your preferred arena such as Braising, Stewing, Steaming, Baking, Roasting, Grilling, etc. Start with 2/3 items and start delivering. Everyone likes a nicely cooked home meal. Advertise within your known area and let your cooking do the rest. Tutoring:  This is probably the most known source of earning, though most of us don't try to take this


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